The Easter greeting and response “Alleluia, Christ is risen.” “The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” will be heard in church at the start of our worship over the next few weeks. For us, Easter is a season and not just a day that is here and gone. When you think about it, this is a good thing!

Even now, 2,000 years later, resurrection takes a while to sink in and comprehend. Easter season gives us that chance. Whether it is Thomas, (always the reading the Sunday after Easter) who has to see and touch in order to believe – a prefigure of our modern empirical mind – or Jesus the Good Shepherd (always the reading the 4th Sunday of Easter) who willingly lays down his life for the sheep only to take it up again, Easter season gives us an opportunity to savor and contemplate all the resurrection means for us, and for the world. Let the celebration continue!

Before it is too late, I want to thank those, too numerous to name, who helped make our Holy Week and Easter significant and memorable. Well done!

More on 10th Anniversary/Bishop’s Visit
Much of this info is found in various articles below. That’s okay, we don’t get a Sunday like this very often! I want to take this opportunity to clear up some odds & ends about our big day coming up April 15th!

1. The first is about the tone and feel of the event. As we remember ten years together, it is appropriate for us to look back and remember. But doing so is meant to remind us that the Lord has been with us and has been faithful to us! We look back only to rejoice in what God has done. We remember in order to be strengthened and encouraged in faith for what lies ahead. This is the tone for us to keep before us. Our 10th Anniversary Celebration is not a time for strolling down memory lane simply for old time’s sake. God’s continuing call upon us is too important for mere reminiscing.

2. There is still time for you to submit CTR Moments and photos.
-For Moments, be aware that general memories, such as “I remember what a wonderful person John White was” are not helpful. Instead, tell us something John said or did, and let us know what that said to you about John or CTR.
For example, one Moment might be: “I remember when Bill broke the brand new cooker pulling out of our very first RezMen Chicken Dinner at Thomas’ Olde Store. Eric came and rescued Bill and the trailer, and then he fixed it so something like that would never happen again. This reminds me how we all pull together, and how much we care. It also reminds me never to allow Bill to tow anything ever again.
-For photos, look through your phones, computers, memory sticks. Vintage photos as well as recent ones are welcome!
-Please send Moments and photos (two-three only) to me at [email protected]. The deadline for photos is midnight this Thursday (tonight)! The deadline for Moments is midnight Thursday a week from today.

3. There is still time for you to be Confirmed or Received. Instructional classes will be offered the next two Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30pm. You must attend one of the two. Join us for dinner at 6:30pm! These classes are open to anyone, and should be a helpful refresher to those already Confirmed.

4. Bring a pie for our Anniversary Celebration dinner after church on the 15th. The pies are in two general categories, main dish type pies and dessert pies. In keeping with the theme of the event, please bring your pie in an aluminum pan (the dollar store has lots) or pie tin! Betty Hubbard has created a spiffy sign up here: . There is need for people to bring salads and drinks as well as pies.

A Great Video
Bill F. forwarded to me this video about the ACNA several days ago. It has been awhile since I had last watched it, so thought I would pass it on. This is from a number years ago but still pertinent today, and recognition from an unlikely source. Take a look!

See you Sunday!
