Serving Jesus, Who is the Resurrection and the Life.
A core belief at the Church of The Resurrection is that empowered by the Holy Spirit, in serving others, we are serving Jesus himself.Ministries Inside Our Congregation
Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community. As a growing congregation, ministries and opportunities to connect with others and serve are always forming and changing. Below are the main areas of ministry in which our congregation is currently serving one another inside our body of fellowship.
Parish Life
Enjoying time together and building authentic relationships is integral to how we show Jesus’ love to one another. Periodically, our church family gathers together for a fun, fellowship activity planned by the Parish Life Committee.
Sound Team
The Sound Team is an ironically “quiet” ministry, serving in the background on Sunday mornings, working in conjunction with the Worship Team to ensure quality sound.
Sunday Morning Ministries
Sunday Morning Ministries include preparing the altar for Worship and Communion, reading from Scripture or leading prayers, serving as a greeter or usher, and providing light finger-foods for Coffee Hour following the service.
Worship Team
The Worship Team provides the musical structure and leadership for our Sunday morning worship each week. Currently, we lead with keyboard and vocals, though we pray to add additional instrumentation as the Lord provides it.
Nursery and Church School Teachers
Our Nursery volunteers take care of our youngest members during the service.
Our Church School Teachers provide lessons and instruction to our grade school aged children during the service. Under the direction of Coordinator Laura Julien, teachers serve about once each month. The teachers gather together for training and support several times during the year.