RezKidz Children’s Ministry
The mission of CTR’s Children’s Ministry is to equip and support parents in their God-ordained role as their child’s primary spiritual teacher. Church School for children Pre-K through 6th Grade is provided during the service. The children attend the opening portion of the service with their families and rejoin them in time to participate in the receiving of Holy Communion. Nursery care is available for babies and toddlers, 6-weeks to 4 years for families who those who wish to use it. Please pick up your baby or toddler just prior to Holy Communion.
Kids in Worship: On a regular basis, our church school kids participate in various parts of our Sunday worship service. A “Stump Bill” question is a highlight of Kids in Worship Sunday.
Additional Opportunities & Projects:
The Gift of Animals ministry of Heifer International which enables people to be able to feed themselves. For more information on this organization, click this link: Heifer International