Serving Jesus, Who is the Resurrection and the Life.

A core belief at the Church of The Resurrection is that empowered by the Holy Spirit, in serving others, we are serving Jesus himself.

Ministries Beyond Our Walls

As part of our vision, Church of the Resurrection (CTR) seeks to serve people beyond our church walls in the name of Jesus.  We seek to meet practical needs, and pray for opportunities to meet spiritual needs as well.  In all we do, we aim to demonstrate the love of Jesus to all those with whom we meet. Some of the ways we serve Beyond Our Walls are ongoing, while others are seasonal opportunities.

On-Going Ministries

It’s In The Bag (IITB) Ministry

IITB_logoThis ministry began with a small group of people with a desire to do God’s work. As they prayed about what to do, “feed my people” was what they heard and so they organized a ministry called “It’s In the Bag.” Without knowing exactly what to do, but with a lot of prayer for direction, the mission was begun.

Years later, in connection with the Fuquay-Varina Food Pantry, CTR is continuing to make and distribute brown bag lunches every Sunday for needy people in our area. In the name of Jesus’ love, and for His glory alone, we are making a small difference in our community. Join us for worship, and following coffee & fellowship, stay to lend a hand!

For more information about IITB, Click Here.

Fuquay Food Pantry

On a regular basis, the Church body makes donations to the Pantry as we seek to serve this important community ministry.

Seasonal Ministries

Easter Dinners

At Easter, the REZMEN coordinate the delivery of Ham dinners with all the “fixin’s” to needy families in our community.  As with the It’s In The Bag Ministry, we are seeking to fill a very practical need for these families by providing these dinners, but we do pray that God will use us to touch someone’s heart deeply for Him through our service.

Associated Ministries

Associated Ministries do not originate at CTR, but have substantial participation and support within the congregation.

Rwanda – Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee

The beans in each bag of Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee™ travel more than 8,000 miles just to make it into your cup. Each one is hand picked on a Rwandan farm, travels down a bumpy dirt road to the coffee washing station, and is sorted five times before voyaging across the whitecaps of the Atlantic Ocean to our Roasting House….Our 100% Arabica, naturally grown specialty coffee comes from two farming cooperatives in Rwanda: the Buf Café Cooperative and the Coadeka-Bukonya Cooperative….In an effort to change the coffee industry – one of the most exploitative in the world – Land of a Thousand Hills participates in Community Trade, a term we coined to mean Directly Traded, paid for with higher-than-Fair Trade wages, and where investment in the farming community is our top priority. We believe that by paying our coffee growers just, Living Wages and supporting economic and community development in the region, not only does the region thrive with higher quality coffee, justice is pursued….What if your coffee could transform a village? It can. Embrace the power of the bean. Drink Coffee. Do Good.

For more information visit

If you are interesting in learning more about these ministries please Contact Us.