Truth be told, it was a last minute idea.  It wasn’t until I was polishing up my sermon Sunday morning that the idea came to me “Why not get salt packets and distribute them to each person as a reminder of who they are?”  I didn’t think it was a particularly inspired idea, and that moment didn’t carry with it the weight of some sort of divine epiphany.  In fact, I was a bit worried, for I vaguely remember doing something like that with salt three years ago. (Or was it six?)  And I didn’t feel holy at all when I was swiping a bunch of salt packets from McDonald’s on my way to church…

You see, salt wasn’t common in the ancient world, and they certainly didn’t worry about getting too much of it, as we do!  To them, salt was valuable, precious, essential, and useful.  That’s why it seemed like a good idea to say to each person Sunday “You are valuable, precious, essential, and useful to him” as I placed a salt packet in each hand.  Jesus wanted people to know “All the things salt meant in the ancient world, that’s who you are to me.” And “You don’t have to worry about doing enough to become salt, I have called you that already.”

It all seemed nothing more than a good idea, a little object lesson.

And then it happened. What happened is hard for me to say, but it most certainly did. After the first few people came forward, I became aware of the presence of God, of God speaking through me to each person.  It was both a humbling and holy moment. It wasn’t about me, but about us. God wanted to speak to us Sunday morning. It was a divine encounter, and it was sensed by all.

What does it mean?  I have no idea. There are some things that are best to left to God without trying to figure them out, and this is one of those things.  But I think it does mean that we, as a body, are open to God showing up and speaking to us, moving among us, when we gather in worship on Sundays.  This is a good thing!  Whatever happened and what God intended it for, I cannot say.  I pray that it accomplishes the purpose God has in mind, and that it continues. I am simply thankful that it did happen, enough so that I dare to humbly ask of Him “More salt, please!”
See you Sunday!
