
We all have fears whenever the term “evangelism” is mentioned:
-I have to master huge amounts of apologetics information.
-I feel I need a different personality than the one God gave me.
-I believe it is a challenge I could never rise to.
-I don’t want to be one of those insensitive people cramming something ‘canned’ down the throat of others.

Do any of these fears and concerns resonate with you? If so, I have good news. We don’t have to do any of the above! What a relief!

The basis of our new Thursday Night series, Just Walk Across the Room, is plain and simple: All we really have to be willing to do is to walk across the room and extend grace and concern to someone, then allow God to take things from there. All we have to do is be open to the prompting of the Spirit in our lives. It is the small gestures and acts of caring that mean the most. This is something each of us can do!

Being willing to walk across the room to is the starting point, and in reality, it is everything. Our example is Jesus, who bridged the gap between humanity and God in the Incarnation (and in doing so walked across the biggest room imaginable,) and who consistently showed grace to others throughout his ministry. We see examples in our own lives as well. Most of us came to faith because someone was willing to walk across the room for us in some way.

Just Walk Across the Room is not a program or a slick campaign. It eschews such approaches, in fact. Just Walk Across the Room is not something that will demand extra time or effort from us. Instead, Just Walk Across the Room helps us to see those whom God has already put and will put into our lives with new eyes.

Join us starting this evening at 6:30pm.

Hike Report
Thank you for your prayers for our RezMen hikers over the weekend. We had a great time together, full of adventure and a divine mishap or two… We encountered some of the most beautiful scenery I have seen in NC.
Our time together was about more than just hiking and brotherhood. We also learned about the hidden idols in our lives, and took strides toward surrendering these to the Lord. All told, it was a wonderful, God-permeated time!

We are always looking for more men to join us. Our next hike will be in the fall, most likely sometime in October. Pass the word to a guy you know!

See you Sunday!