Below are highlights of what I presented to the congregation last Sunday during the Annual Congregational Meeting.

God is on the move at CTR!  We are in a much different place than we were a year ago, and we rejoice in what God is doing!  Where will we be 3, 4, 5 years from now and beyond?  That is up to God, of course, but also up to us. The rest of my address centered around the numbers 1, 3, 2, 2,1.

1 Critical Question:
Seeing what God is doing, will we join Him there?
Will we commit ourselves to it?

3 Monuments or Markers:
These are things that coalesced or clicked in 2016.
We started to believe in God’s purpose for us, and God’s gifting given to us.
We started to really believe CTR is a good congregation with much to offer to others.
We started to own our call to Mission.

Through our revised Mission Statement, workshops, classes, and the Visibility Team.
We started to pray.

Through our Thursday night (now Monday) time of intercession and also at home.

2 Shifts We are Undergoing
I wrote about these in Musings recently and expanded upon them at the Meeting.
From Serving to Sharing.
From Survival into Mission.
The critical task for CTR is focusing on increasing our capacity for effective ministry.

2 Challenges

There is no sitting on the sidelines! Ask “What does it mean for me to participate?”

1 Critical Question
I came back to that same question:
Will we join in what God is doing? Will we commit to it?

I closed with offering both a prayer and a theme for CTR in 2017.
-The prayer is asking God to continue to Inspire our Witness to him.
-The theme and task before us in 2017 is Growing in Effective Ministry.

See you Sunday!
